Friday, September 23, 2011

Gypsy Fortune Teller Halloween Costumes - easy to do

!±8± Gypsy Fortune Teller Halloween Costumes - easy to do

As a child I often like to dress like a gypsy, whether for Halloween or just play. Maybe it's because I want to be free to do what I want and where I want, without the social constraints that we have (because pirates are so fascinating, people) to live. Whatever it is, I guess the creation of a costume was the highlight of Halloween.

There were not many places for fancy costumes (nor have the money) to buy, so you can dress metogether was a little 'a challenge. Today, we can virtually purchase of costumes that we can imagine and I guess there are some very good Halloween costumes to choose from.

** A brief history of the customs of the gypsies **

The gypsies were called Roma or Romani. They consist of nomadic tribes who lost the majority of European countries in the Middle Ages often lived and traveled in caravans. There are still nomadic gypsies in the world today.

In the 15 ° and 16For centuries, the vinyl version is a simple garment of the woman's neck to collect worn a shirt made. She also wore a piece of cloth that draped down his back was to the contrary, life, the front and tied at the shoulder (think Roman toga). A turban worn on the head.

Over time, fashions changed. For the most part, gypsies actually dressed very similar to the growers of the area in which they traveled and cultural dress of the time. Most of the stylegypsy clothing that we picture today probably came from the Renaissance period when laced vests, flounced skirts, men's trousers and shirts were more popular pirate.

Gypsy Halloween Costume ** A **

For those who want to combine their gypsy costume or planning a "fortune teller" for Halloween this year, you may need a little 'shopping around in stores for some items of clothing used to do. If you're handy with a sewing machine, there are many assetsteller costume patterns available. Here are some tips for men and women (and boys / girls), which creates easily once you have all the elements are:

Women / Girl 's Fortune Teller / Gypsy Outfit 1

* Long tired skirt in a bright color.

* Gypsy style shirt - gathered dug gathered neck, puff sleeves at the wrist or long wide flowing sleeves

* Colorful vest front fastening

* Jersey black stockings

* Black shoes

* Ali coloredfor life

* Matching bandana for hair

* Gold Creoles and some long, colorful necklaces, bangles for arms

Women / Girl 's Fortune Teller / Gypsy Costume

* Long flowing black skirt large

* White peasant shirt

* Black front-laced vest

* Black stockings

* Black shoes

* Colored skirt or a shorter overskirt

* Long black wig with curls or ringlets close

* Colored 2 "to 3" wide band

* Gold Creoles andsome long, colorful necklaces, bangles for arms

Men / boys Gypsy / Pirate Costume

* Black or brown pants

* Black boots

* White pirate shirt

* Durable black or brown vest preferably trimmed with gold braid

* Red or another colorful long scarf around the waist band

* Colored Bandana

* A gold earring

Let your imagination with colors and styles you could mix and match. The trick is to wearLayers and use clothing is loose and flowing. Add jewelry like bracelets to improve, long flowing necklaces, large earrings and ankle bracelets for your equipment. Use colored accent bands of life (and also hold daggers). Women could drape several sheer scarves from their lives hanging in points around a solid rock. Include bands, bandanas and eye patches for a gypsy pirate look. Purple, blue, green, yellow, red and black are the most popular colors andstart your equipment.

Gypsy Fortune Teller Halloween Costumes - easy to do

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